Fourth of July Pet Safety

dog with American flag in background.

While the 4th of July is a joyful holiday for most, it can cause significant fear for your pets. With a little bit of preparation and a few precautions, you can help minimize this stress. Keep reading for some tips on Fourth of July pet safety.


Pet-Safe Cleaning Products: Keeping Your Home Clean Without Harmful Chemicals

a cat in front of cleaning products.

Is it possible to have a clean home and a safe pet? Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital says yes, without a doubt! With pet-safe cleaning products and smart choices, you can have a sparkling space and a happy pet.


Hot Pavement Awareness: Protecting Your Pet’s Paws During Nashville’s Summers

Dog jumping into water.

Tennessee summers can get pretty toasty, so it’s important to provide extra protection for your pet’s paws when encountering hot surfaces like sidewalks, pool decks, and pavement. 

Without a doubt, your pet’s furry feet deserve plenty of pampering year-round, but special precautions are needed when the mercury rises. At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we want you and your pets to enjoy a summer filled with plenty of time outdoors, so we’ve compiled some of our favorite summer paw care tips


The Connection Between Your Pet’s Diet and Behavior

raspberries and a grey tabby cat.

When we think about our pet’s health, we often focus on regular wellness exams and vaccinations. Many pet owners don’t fully understand how much their furry friend’s diet affects their behavior. 

At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we understand the intricate link between what your pet eats and how they act. It’s not just about keeping them physically fit—it’s about fostering their overall well-being.


The Power Of Prevention: Making Pet Wellness Exams A Priority

pet wellness

Most of us are aware of the power of prevention and early detection when it comes to human medicine and dentistry. We go to the dentist for our cleanings and examinations every 6 months, and see our physicians yearly for physical checkups, blood work, and other screenings. And although these proceedings aren’t something most of us look forward to, we know it’s an important part of our ongoing health and wellness.

The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is just as appropriate when it comes to pet wellness. Besides giving us the chance to get to know you and your pet, the annual (or bi-annual) pet wellness exam is aimed at catching any health problems that may be developing answering your questions and concerns.


From Fluffy to Fatty: The Risks of Overweight Cats

A fat cat.

Extra fluffy cats may be all the rage on social media, but overweight cats make the staff at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital feel a little sad. Feline weight management is key to good cat health, and many kitties need a little help in that department. Read on to learn why cats become overweight, the risks of cat obesity, and how to help your cat stay svelte.


Healthy Hips, Happy Dog: Understanding and Managing Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Canine hip dysplasia model.

Part of being a dog is running and playing and generally enjoying life. When our pets hurt, they can’t partake in these joyful activities. Canine orthopedic conditions like hip dysplasia in dogs can definitely affect quality of life, and Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital wants to make sure that your pet’s time with you is optimal.


Canine Hip Dysplasia: Treatment Is Possible and Effective

A white Staffordshire running in yard.

There are a few different factors that play a role in the development of canine hip dysplasia, a disease characterized by painful, uneven movements. A normal hip joint involves a tight-fitting ball and socket motion. In direct contrast, hip dysplasia concerns a malformed connection of the ball and socket that results in a loose joint. Over time, hip dysplasia causes painful wear and tear of the joint, or degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis). The good news? It can be managed and treated.


Why Should I Adopt Instead Of Buying A Pet?

Pet adoption.

Of all the rewards associated with pet adoption (and there are many!), perhaps the most meaningful one hinges on the cycle found in animal shelters nationwide. When one pet is adopted, there is always another waiting to be seen, enjoyed, and hopefully adopted, as well. The space created by a single adoption begets exponential adoptions. With more than a million homeless pets facing euthanasia every year, it is definitely time to consider adopting a pet. 


Top Signs that Your Pet Has a UTI

UTI in pets.

People aren’t the only ones that suffer from urinary tract infections. Animals can be affected as well. They can’t talk, though, so it can be harder to know when they are having issues. Read on to learn Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital’s top ways to know that your pet has a UTI. 
