Finding the Right Pet For You

Types of dog breeds.

Many of us know which animals represent our personalities and lifestyles more than the rest. For some, a muscular, focused doberman speaks volumes about their owner. For others, a fluffy indoor-only cat says a lot about who owns them. In this way, we can zero-in on finding just the right pet for ourselves, our living situations, and our personal activities. We’re glad to help prospective owners with the myriad of considerations required before signing the adoption papers. 

Know Before You Go

Many spontaneous adoptions occur when animal lovers find themselves in a spur of the moment visit to a shelter. These impulsive choices can work out splendidly, as though the person and pet were fated to meet, but not always. When an adoption is unplanned, the outcome can be disastrous for the animal. An unprepared pet owner may have to surrender or rehome their pet if their priorities don’t align with a pet’s needs. 

Ask the Hard Questions

You might like the look of a certain pet, but how well can you anticipate their every need? When choosing the right pet for your individual lifestyle, home environment, and career goals, it is crucial to ask the hard questions, such as:

  • Can I meet this pet’s exercise and mental stimulation goals every day?
  • Can I provide excellent nutrition for their age, breed, and target weight?
  • Can I keep them safe from traffic, neighbors, other pets, or predators?
  • Is my living situation stable and large enough to comfortably accommodate them?
  • Do I anticipate moving or otherwise disrupting this pet’s routine in the next 10-15 years?
  • Can I provide preventive veterinary care as well as emergency services, if needed?
  • Are my finances secure?
  • Do I plan on having the wherewithal and flexibility to provide emergency care?
  • Is my own health up to the task of properly caring for the pet of my choice?
  • Am I prepared to care for the lifelong needs of this pet (average lifespans are 10-15 years)?
  • Am I highly social and a go-getter, or do I prefer quiet time at home?
  • Can I lift this pet?
  • Do I have someone in my life who can step up to care for this pet if I am unable?

If you are stuck answering any of the above, it might be worthwhile to do some planning and preparation prior to looking for the right pet to adopt. 

The Right Pet, Right Time, Right Place

When choosing the right pet for you or your family, we encourage you to take your time. If you have any questions about the financial responsibilities, cost of veterinary care, or other aspects of responsible pet ownership, please call us at 615-646-7387. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is always here to help you!