Senior Pet Care: Managing Age-Related Conditions and Promoting Quality of Life

A senior black lab.

Thanks to modern veterinary care and excellent ownership, pets are living longer than ever before. Characterized by engaging activities, balanced nutrition, and meaningful social connections, a pet’s senior years are also all about managing age-related conditions. With daily strategies that promote a high quality of life, owners can keep their golden oldie happy, safe, healthy, and comfortable.


Dog-Friendly Waterfall Hikes in Tennessee

Dog playing at base of waterfall.

Tennessee is home to breathtaking waterfalls and thousands of miles of trails, many of which are dog-friendly trails near Nashville. If you have an outdoorsy canine companion, the following tips from our team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital can help you and your dog have a safe and enjoyable time exploring Tennessee’s scenic trails. 


From Fluffy to Fatty: The Risks of Overweight Cats

A fat cat.

Extra fluffy cats may be all the rage on social media, but overweight cats make the staff at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital feel a little sad. Feline weight management is key to good cat health, and many kitties need a little help in that department. Read on to learn why cats become overweight, the risks of cat obesity, and how to help your cat stay svelte.


Healthy Hips, Happy Dog: Understanding and Managing Hip Dysplasia in Dogs

Canine hip dysplasia model.

Part of being a dog is running and playing and generally enjoying life. When our pets hurt, they can’t partake in these joyful activities. Canine orthopedic conditions like hip dysplasia in dogs can definitely affect quality of life, and Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital wants to make sure that your pet’s time with you is optimal.


Canine Hip Dysplasia: Treatment Is Possible and Effective

A white Staffordshire running in yard.

There are a few different factors that play a role in the development of canine hip dysplasia, a disease characterized by painful, uneven movements. A normal hip joint involves a tight-fitting ball and socket motion. In direct contrast, hip dysplasia concerns a malformed connection of the ball and socket that results in a loose joint. Over time, hip dysplasia causes painful wear and tear of the joint, or degenerative joint disease (osteoarthritis). The good news? It can be managed and treated.


Why Should I Adopt Instead Of Buying A Pet?

Pet adoption.

Of all the rewards associated with pet adoption (and there are many!), perhaps the most meaningful one hinges on the cycle found in animal shelters nationwide. When one pet is adopted, there is always another waiting to be seen, enjoyed, and hopefully adopted, as well. The space created by a single adoption begets exponential adoptions. With more than a million homeless pets facing euthanasia every year, it is definitely time to consider adopting a pet. 


Top Signs that Your Pet Has a UTI

UTI in pets.

People aren’t the only ones that suffer from urinary tract infections. Animals can be affected as well. They can’t talk, though, so it can be harder to know when they are having issues. Read on to learn Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital’s top ways to know that your pet has a UTI. 


Finding the Right Pet For You

Types of dog breeds.

Many of us know which animals represent our personalities and lifestyles more than the rest. For some, a muscular, focused doberman speaks volumes about their owner. For others, a fluffy indoor-only cat says a lot about who owns them. In this way, we can zero-in on finding just the right pet for ourselves, our living situations, and our personal activities. We’re glad to help prospective owners with the myriad of considerations required before signing the adoption papers. 


How to Care for Pets with Hearing Loss

pet with hearing loss

Hearing loss in pets requires a different approach when it comes to care. While you’ll still feed them and shower them with attention, you might need to change the way you communicate. You’ll also need to stay alert for health and safety hazards that could spell trouble for them. The following tips should help you adapt to the new normal.

Sudden Deafness in Cats

Your cat can suddenly lose his hearing due to a middle or inner ear infection. Drug toxicity and noise trauma can also be to blame. Although some cases of hearing loss are temporary, others could be permanent.


Homemade Holiday Treats for Pets

Holiday pet treats.

’Tis the season for baking sugary goodies to share with friends and family, but did you know there are plenty of recipes for delicious “cookies” you can bake for your pets? From Pinterest, to YouTube, to Martha Stewart, there are oodles of yummy recipes right at your fingertips that will have your furballs eating out of your hands!
