Decking the Halls With Holiday Pet Safety in Mind

Two cats look at some Christmas ornaments they took off the tree.

Are you the kind of holiday enthusiast who busts out the Christmas tree before the Thanksgiving turkey has cooled? Do you dream of a winter wonderland in the middle of June? With all the sparkles, knickknacks, and magic, the holiday season is definitely a special time that many of us adore!

At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we believe it’s never too early to begin planning for holiday pet safety. For the love of our furry friends, our team has compiled some great tips on how to keep your pet safe this season, making the holidays as merry and pet-friendly as possible.


Do Indestructible Pet Toys Actually Exist?

dog chewing on pet toy

Pet toys by their very nature should be incredibly hardy. Unfortunately, despite their target audience, many toys designed for pets actually create problems, and some of them can be major. The concept of “indestructible pet toys” may sound like a misnomer, but they do exist, waiting for your pet’s enjoyment!

Know the Score

Your pet’s species, breed, size, age, lifestyle, and personality will best inform your purchase options. When it comes to providing them the right toys that support both mental and physical health, you may be faced with a variety of unsuitable choices.


Why Your Vet Is the Best Choice for Spay and Neuter Services

spay and neuterWhether you’re a new pet owner or considering becoming one, having your pet spayed or neutered is one of the most meaningful decisions you will make regarding their long-term health. Where you choose to have the procedure done is just as important, and understanding the risks and benefits associated with spay and neuter options is the first step toward providing the best care for your furry best friend.


Prevent a Pet Emergency: Know What to Look For

pet emergencyThe concept of preparation is drilled into us at an early age. We lay out our clothes the night before picture day; we pack our bags and lunchboxes ahead of time; we study for the big test well in advance. To be sure, we’re better equipped for success when we’re prepared. The same is true with pet ownership.

While no one ever wants their pet to endure a pet emergency, it’s critical that we’re always prepared to deal with one just in case.
