Why Your Vet Is the Best Choice for Spay and Neuter Services

spay and neuterWhether you’re a new pet owner or considering becoming one, having your pet spayed or neutered is one of the most meaningful decisions you will make regarding their long-term health. Where you choose to have the procedure done is just as important, and understanding the risks and benefits associated with spay and neuter options is the first step toward providing the best care for your furry best friend.

Spay and Neuter Benefits

The health benefits associated with spaying or neutering your pet can be quite dramatic, and include:

  • Reduction in ovarian and testicular cancer rates
  • Elimination of pyometra, a life-threatening infection of the uterus
  • Spayed females will not go into heat, meaning you won’t have to manage the side effects of the heat cycle, which can include bleeding, yowling, and frequent urination
  • Males who have been neutered are less prone to roaming, fighting, and aggressive behaviors

Millions of homeless pets are killed each year in shelters across the country, simply because they have no one to care for them. Spaying and neutering has a significant positive impact on the pet overpopulation tragedy in the United States, and can prevent more needless euthanizations from occurring.

The Best Care for Your Best Pal

Every year in the U.S. among household pets, 83% of dogs and 91% of cats are spayed or neutered. We recommend that pet owners seek out their trusted family veterinarian for any surgeries performed on their pets. With the proper equipment and a detailed history of your pet, your family veterinarian has the necessary tools to provide the safest surgical environment for the procedure.

By choosing your veterinarian to perform spay and neuter surgery, you will be ensuring your pet gets the safest and best care possible, including:

  • Preoperative exam and blood work to ensure that your pet is healthy enough for surgery
  • IV fluid therapy during surgery as needed
  • The safest and most current form of anesthesia available
  • Constant monitoring of your pet’s vitals
  • Sterile equipment and technique
  • Postoperative instructions and pain medication

We are passionate about the need for safe, high quality spay and neuter services here at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital. If you have any questions or would like to schedule an appointment for your pet, please contact our staff.