Prevent a Pet Emergency: Know What to Look For

pet emergencyThe concept of preparation is drilled into us at an early age. We lay out our clothes the night before picture day; we pack our bags and lunchboxes ahead of time; we study for the big test well in advance. To be sure, we’re better equipped for success when we’re prepared. The same is true with pet ownership.

While no one ever wants their pet to endure a pet emergency, it’s critical that we’re always prepared to deal with one just in case.

Streamlined Effort

We recommend storing your pet’s medical records, prescriptions, and gear in one general location. This includes their travel kennel, backup leash, collar, ID tags, and a pet first aid kit.

Every minute counts during a pet emergency. Instead of stressing over symptoms and possible causes online, please contact us immediately.

Is It or Isn’t It?

Sometimes, there are mysterious symptoms that disappear shortly after arriving. How, then, are pet owners supposed to discern whether it’s a real emergency? The answer is to call us!

Many times, pet owners put off emergency veterinary care because of the cost. Pet insurance may be a good fit and can eliminate any fears or doubts about seeking care.

Don’t Wait ‘Til it’s Too Late

Your pet depends on your observations and vigilance to prevent a true pet emergency. To ensure your pet’s safety and well being, never ignore the following signs:

  • Pain
  • Vomiting or diarrhea that lasts 24 hours or more
  • Respiratory distress
  • Open wounds
  • Seizures
  • Inability to eat
  • Behavioral changes (hiding, clinginess, aggression, etc.)
  • Facial swelling
  • Skin issues
  • Lameness, disorientation, or lethargy
  • Paralysis
  • Abdominal swelling
  • Strained urination
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Birthing trouble
  • Eye injury

If you know or suspect your pet has eaten something toxic/poisonous, has suffered an allergic reaction or heat stroke, or has been in a fight or vehicle accident, you are most likely dealing with a pet emergency and should seek care.

You know your pet better than anyone. If you notice even slight changes in habits, patterns, or behavior, please let our team know.

If you have further questions or concerns about managing your pet’s environment and reducing the chances of a pet emergency, our team is always here for you.