The Power Of Prevention: Making Pet Wellness Exams A Priority

pet wellness

Most of us are aware of the power of prevention and early detection when it comes to human medicine and dentistry. We go to the dentist for our cleanings and examinations every 6 months, and see our physicians yearly for physical checkups, blood work, and other screenings. And although these proceedings aren’t something most of us look forward to, we know it’s an important part of our ongoing health and wellness.

The old adage “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure” is just as appropriate when it comes to pet wellness. Besides giving us the chance to get to know you and your pet, the annual (or bi-annual) pet wellness exam is aimed at catching any health problems that may be developing answering your questions and concerns.


Decking the Halls With Holiday Pet Safety in Mind

Two cats look at some Christmas ornaments they took off the tree.

Are you the kind of holiday enthusiast who busts out the Christmas tree before the Thanksgiving turkey has cooled? Do you dream of a winter wonderland in the middle of June? With all the sparkles, knickknacks, and magic, the holiday season is definitely a special time that many of us adore!

At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we believe it’s never too early to begin planning for holiday pet safety. For the love of our furry friends, our team has compiled some great tips on how to keep your pet safe this season, making the holidays as merry and pet-friendly as possible.


Is Pet Insurance Worth It For My Family?

Understanding pet insurance.

If you ask us, pets are worth every penny. When they need special care, though, things can really add up quickly. We are thankful that we have the best and most modern veterinary medicine at our disposal, but those advances don’t come without cost. Pet insurance should be a consideration for families that include those with four legs. Read on to answer the question as to whether pet insurance is worthwhile for you.


Benefits of Pets for Older Adults

Senior citizen with pet.

As we get older, our lives and daily routines can significantly change. After retirement, many older adults feel a sense of isolation and lack of purpose. Important people in our lives may no longer be there, and our ability to participate in activities at the same intensity will change. Many may find themselves with a lot of free time and a desire to do something with that time. Adopting a pet can help older adults achieve a sense of purpose and battle feelings of isolation as well as help to improve their overall health.


Why Is My Pet Acting Weird Around the Holidays?

Dog and cat holiday decorations.

The holidays are filled with a festive blend of food, family—and stress! And even though our pets aren’t the ones shopping, baking, and hosting holiday parties, they can experience anxiety during the holiday season just as we can. At Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital, we love helping you keep your pets happy and healthy year-round with wellness programs that include behavioral counseling, and we’re here to help you understand why your pet might be acting weird during and after the holidays.


What’s That Fishy Smell? Anal Glands in Dogs

A dog's backside.

Anal glands are a part of every dog’s anatomy and can produce odors from time to time. If you have noticed a fishy smell coming from your pup, chances are it is the anal glands. The team at Harpeth Hills Animal Hospital is here to fill you in on why your dog might be smelling kind of fishy all of a sudden:


The Foundation of Health and Longevity: Why Pet Wellness Care Matters

dog holding chew toy

In the medical world, we often talk about how important early detection is through regular wellness examinations. This is also true in veterinary medicine, where we have shifted from addressing problems as they arise, to a modality that is vastly proactive and effective. This is done through regular pet wellness care

Many pet owners ask us about the need for pet wellness, especially when their pets seem completely healthy and happy. And we are glad you ask. Pet wellness is an important preventive approach to your pet’s health that can keep them vibrant, feeling great, and healthy for years to come. 


Saving Money With Preventive Screenings and Lifestyle Packages for Your Pet

cat getting check-up

In today’s world, prevention care is the trend in modern medicine. So is saving money! This is also true in veterinary medicine. Rather than responding to a disease once it occurs, we prefer to prevent the disease from occurring, whenever possible, through wellness care, annual diagnostic screening, and healthy lifestyles for your fur friend. This saves money as well as the emotional expense of having to watch your pet suffer.

Let’s take a closer look at preventive screenings and lifestyle options for your pet, and why they matter in disease prevention and longevity.


New Year’s Resolutions for Pets

New Year's resolutions for pets can be a great way to jump start pet wellness!

The clock is getting ready to strike midnight on New Year’s Eve and many of us have already been thinking about our new year’s resolutions. This year, you may be resolving to be more mindful, hit the gym more or spend more time with family and friends. But have you thought about any New Year’s resolutions for pets?

If not, we’re ready with a few ideas to help launch you into a new year of pet happiness, health and longevity. Read on and give us a call if you have any questions!
